Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coughing today. Coughed for a couple of hours, last night, having to get up and down until I put a couple drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drank it. Slept very little and am tired, but I'm grateful for the little sleep I got. Pineapple juice with a harbenero pepper, the same green juice drink recipe as yesterday, phyllium fiber and hydrated bentonite, lots of water. Tommorow will be the third day on phyllium and bentonite. The third and fourth days are when the body rids its old accumulated mucoid buildup. Though it may be a gross subject to some people, milk and cooked foods clog the colon with hardened mucous creating a set up for disease. While toxins are being removed from the body, it is not uncommon to feel spacy like I do today.
Added a smoothie of high protein, immune boosting spirulina and chlorella to help fight off the rest of this thing. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, spirulina may have the ability to prevent some flu viruses from replicating.

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