Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Healthy bodies consist of approximately 60-75 % water. Maintaining hydration is essential to good health. There are many benefits to getting adequate amounts of water. You will have less sick days and in general feel better.  Keeping hydrated reduces the risk of cancer, helps combat fatigue and aids digestion.  In addition to that your joints will stay lubricated, it will keep your skin youthful, increase cognitive function and help regulate body weight.
Signs of dehydration are dry mouth, parched lips, dry skin, dark urine, lethargy and irritability.
Everyone should consume at least half their body weight in pure water per day. This is not tap water. Tap water is loaded with chlorine and a multitude of harmful chemicals including drug contaminants and pesticides. Chlorinated water consumption has been linked with a higher risk of bladder cancer.  The orthomolecular.org website page “The Negative Health Effects Of Chlorine” states that drinking chlorinated water and swimming in chlorinated pools may sharply increase the risk of developing deadly malignant melanoma. 
There are other ways to disinfect water that does not involve chlorine. For this reason, it is my opinion that chlorine be left for toilet bowl cleaning and not for drinking.
Your requirement for water depends on many factors including age, occupation, condition of health and age. For optimal health 2 liters is recommended. If you have a job where you sweat a great deal, you will require more.
If you want to start your day off better, start drinking a liter of pure water every morning before drinking or eating anything else. We will have more to say about the value of water in future posts.

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