Friday, July 27, 2012


Most vitamin and mineral supplements are derived from chemicals. These chemicals are not easily absorbed and can be quite toxic to the body. Food source vitamins and mineral supplements are much more easily absorbed, yet are still fractionated nutrition. Food is a complex mix of not just vitamins and minerals but also enzymes and other factors that assist in the absorption of nutrients. Only whole food itself has all the co-factors that the body needs to utilize the vitamins and minerals present within them. All the discovered and yet to be discovered nutrients, in perfect balance, is found within that particular food. You can only obtain that in the food itself preferably in it's most natural state. For this reason, it is wise to focus on eating high quality fresh foods, organic if possible. If you have a specific need for some particular vitamin or mineral, make sure to add whole foods rich in that particular nutrient. If that does not correct the problem, then you can find a truly natural whole food source supplement. Our first priority should always be in providing ourselves and our family with the best diet we can afford. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, locally grown when possible, contain living enzymes, not available in a dead product no matter how convincing the advertisement might seem to be. When I get tempted to fall for the latest “super food”, I have to ask myself if this advertisement is actually true or just hype and seek the facts through research. I find that most of the time, it is just hype. Even if the super food matches up to its claim, I have to check out the company that sells it, what are their standards? Of what kind of quality is their product and has it been damaged or altered in some way at some point on its way to me? Is it high in heavy metals? Has it been irradiated somewhere along the line? Has it undergone x ray treatment on its way to me via the post office? Lastly, do those I ask even know the truth about their product for many do not.  Some of these questions we might not find an answer to. In the long run, purchasing local  food seems to be the best route to take. Even though most super foods are wonderful in their natural, raw state, by the time they are dried and shipped they only contain a fraction of the nutrients they once had. Why make companies rich when organic nutrient charged food is available locally? Not only that but you will enjoy it more and that alone is an important factor in helping to promote health. Enjoying a juicy peach or some other tasty, sun bathed fruit creates positive feelings and brings positive energy into our bodies.

If you have any problems with motivation and health, check out this website:

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