I've been making
these fruit sorbets for years and they are a wonderful alternative to the sugar
laden sherbets and sorbets found on the market. They are nutritionally superior, taste better and are far less expensive than anything organic you can purchase at the
health food store. You are getting the whole fruit. Freezing only
affects the enzymes and nutrients a small degree compared to cooked foods.
To make the sorbet all you do is freeze any fruit of your choice,
berries, mango, peaches, whatever you like. When frozen run these
frozen fruits through a champion juicer with the blank attachment
instead of the screen. When you use the screen the juices come out
the screen, when you use the blank nothing comes out there. So everything
comes out the end from which the leftover juice fibers usually fall.
So you end up with a creamy frozen mass. You could try to make it in a blender, but you would have to add liquid and keep turning off the blender to stir it around with a chop stick. Sweet peaches and
strawberries in season make really great tasting sorbet. I just made
one with organic frozen strawberries, frozen papaya and organic ripe
frozen bananas. Bananas are a terrific way to naturally sweeten
sorbets. If some type of sweetner must be added, I generally avoid
adding honey since it tends to freeze up and not distribute evenly.
Raw sugar is good. Liquid stevia is an option. There are some really good
tasting liquid stevias out there and some really bad tasting ones. I
avoid the powdered kind and opt for the liquid from companies I can
trust to deliver taste and quality.
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